Commemorative Tapestry

This is a commemorative poster for Sheila Metzner honoring her contributions to the photography and fashion world. She was one of the first women to consistently work with Vogue, taking photos that merged the action of documentation and art making.

Gif of a camera taking photos

Animated Objects

This project is an animated sketch of the word "grow". I interpretted this to have shapes forming blades of grass that change color and direction as they move towards the sky.

Gif of colorful grass growing upwards

Interactive Experiences

The objective of this assignment was to create 3 unique, interactive experiences with a shared theme of a recent experience. My theme was my endeavors walking home from the bus during winter. I coded the process of catching the bus, walking home from the stop, and making hot chocolate when I got home.

Gif of a bus arriving and leaving Gif of a street passing by Gif of a spoon mixing hot chocolate
Experience 1 Experience 2 Experience 3

For All Time

The idea for this project was to design a clock that tracks time in a unique way. I designed a clock that represents the thoughts one has over time.

A clock hand with connected dots as it moves

Interactive Narrative

The idea for this project was to design a clock that tracks time in a unique way. I designed a clock that represents the thoughts one has over time.

A clock hand with connected dots as it moves
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Websites I Like

  • Cinni's Site
  • Shishka's Site
  • lunospace
  • Cloverbell's Site